Thursday, January 24, 2013

Oh my goodness!

Today as math informal math assessment my students created a Addition Animoto.  They voted on how to explain the concept and what template and pictures to use.  They were so proud of their work, had to send emails home with links so my students could show their parents. Now I'm sharing with you.


  1. Hi Anna! I love your video! It is simple and straight to the point! I'm going to use this in my class!

  2. Anna, this was so cute! I love that you and your students created it together! I bet that the parents enjoyed it as well. What were their comments?

    1. I posted the video on my web site and believe it or not no parents commented in on it. If they watched it, I hope they liked what we did.

  3. Great video! I have been so focused on using Animoto for literacy now I think I will try it with my students during math. We have been learning about fact families and some of my students are struggling with the whole concept. They really enjoyed the Animoto I made with their vocabulary time to give math a try!

    1. Fun fact families! That is a great concept to do as an Animoto, I would love to see it once you finish it =)
